
Thursday, June 15, 2006

A Part Of You

I miss the way you make me feel as if everything revolved around me,
How you would just call me up to tell me the silliest things,
How you would call in the middle of anything just make me guess where you were.

I miss the way you make me feel as if I were the center of your universe,
How you needed to know every little plan I make,
How you wanted to know where I was at any single moment.

I miss the was you make me feel as if I were your life,
How it felt as if work and school were just intrusions to our time together,
How every little whim I had about having you beside me was followed.

I miss the way it feels to be your sun, moon and stars,
How it feels to go to sleep with a smile, your voice the last thing I hear
(and sometimes, with you beside me),
How it feels to wake up to a wonderful day and smile,
For your voice is the first thing I hear.

I miss the way it feels to be a part of you.

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