
Friday, April 28, 2006

Was Caught In The Rain

Was damn tired and sleepy. Heard the sound of my cell ringing. But i ignored it. It rang continuously.. Damn. Force myself up to answer the call. It was from Ah Beng..

Beng: You still sleeping?

Qing: uMmm...(sleepy voice)

Beng: Is 4pm ler! You still don't want to wake up?

Qing: Uh? For?

Beng: We helping Kuan Feng today. Remember?

Qing: Orh..

Beng: Faster! Wake up! Suppose to reach at 3.30pm.. You are late!

Qing: Orh..

Beng: Faster la.. Wake up call me back uh..

Qing: Who's there?

Beng: Me and Siao Char Bor... Meh and Pui Kia on da way..

Qing: Orh.. I go showa and head down then..

Ended the call.. Went back to my sleep, was really too tired. But Beng calld me back at 5plus, knowing that i will head back to sleep.. Finally, i decided to wake up, shower and get going..

The sky was rather greyish when i head out. It started to pour while i was waiting for a cab... Got me all drench up.. Stupid! There isn't much cab around, mostly all being hired. Looking at my watch time was already 6pm.. Called for a cab, but the lines was engaged. Damn.. Walk further up, as there many people waiting for cab too.. Decided to walk infront of them..

Finally after half and hour of waiting, i board a cab, but i was damn wet then... Was about to reach when meh called, saying they was about to leave the place. Then i was kind of worried as i was almost reaching. Lucky me, they was still around when i reach.. Remember Meh was saying they was about to go? Guess what? I was there waited an hour before really going off...

They was waiting for stuff to be done up before leaving. Leaving to a total of 6 places.. Ending at 12 plus... Upon reaching, we got changed and waited to get pay... Haa!!!

No la~ Helping then to pack up abit.. Then head to Kallang Mac for dinner i supposed... Eating halfway, i saw one of my ex-gf May(my second gf).. She didn't changed abit, only put on some weight.. Chatted for awhile with her before leaving.. Will post what's happen between me and her , some others days..

Headed down to my dance troupe to get some stuff done... All shit ended at 4am... Headed home and concuss, as i need to wake at 11am later onz...

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